Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Analysis Gender Equality and Gender...
The idea of separate sexes has been around since humans began constructing civilizations and has progressively worsened over time. The world has mostly consisted of patriarchal institutions since then, and has oppressed women in the sense that they are less than men in status and civility. Because of this women are forced to take on specific [often times inferior]roles in society, many of those roles being; taking care of the homestead, child care, and maintaining a kosher dwelling while men assume the more prestigious occupations. â€Å"A son in all sorts of trouble finally seeks out his father for advice during a particularly bad crisis. But when he finds his father wearing an apron while washing dishes in the kitchen, the son recoils in†¦show more content†¦However, the fight for gender equality didn’t really come into light until the suffragette movement in the 19th century, and the major goal was for women to gain equal voting rights. That doesn’t include indistinguishable salaries, and other essential rights. In the instance of wage gaps, for example, the 1999 United States Census Bureau reported that women earned about 77% of what men made. Also, in 2000 women made an average of 76% of what men made for that year. The most recent Canadian statistics shows that the gender wage gap in Ontario is 28% for full-time, full-year workers. This says that female workers earn 72 cents for every $1.00 a male worker earns (â€Å"Gender and Society†Margaret Mead). Women are capable of doing the same tasks men can do. However, discrimination against women continues. Statisticians approximate that around 10-15% of the wage gap is caused by gender discrimination. Inequality of all sorts has been challenged and rallied to be amended, but it seems as though women have been more so neglected in the process of social rehabilitation. Sexual discrimination is repeatedly ignored and frequently encouraged by society because for centuries it was customary for women to be regarded as objects or tools for sexual pleasure and domestic managers (i.e. childcare). During the major idea reform era, such as the Enlightenment some of the most renowned philosophers accepted that women were â€Å"inferior†to men. Jean Jacques RousseauShow MoreRelatedGender Discrimination And The Workplace Essay1242 Words  | 5 Pagesusually paid less than their male peers and they aren’t promoted as fast as their male peers. Progress has been make towards gender workplace equality but gender workplace discrimination continues to be an impediment to gender equality. For the purpose of research on gender workplace discrimination, I used four journal articles. The first article, Minimizing Workplace Gender and Racial Bias, by author William T. Bielby, discusses stereotyping in the workplace. 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