Sunday, August 23, 2020
Recent events have made the patents value of question
Prior to BUG, Inc. chooses to go universal the organization needs to apply for licenses and trademarks to protect their corporate picture and their item. At the baer least, the organization needs to apply for an American patent and trademark. Under the rules of the Paris Convention of 1870, in excess of 125 countries overall perceive licenses that are enlisted with the World Patent Office in Switzerland (â€Å"International Protection of Intellectual Property†2007).Recent occasions have made the licenses estimation of inquiry in some Third World nations as there is a worldwide development to permit creating countries an exclusion from world patent laws, yet given the idea of the item and the import guidelines of most modernized nations, the patent insurance is absolutely worth having. Likewise significant is a global trademark for the organization logo (U. S. Trademark Law 2007). Setting up a legitimate case to the trademark can assist the organization with establishing a uni versal personality related with both their name and logo.Neither of these assurances are especially costly and they can forestall the offer of underground market products which encroach on the BUG, Inc. item. They can likewise make it feasible for BUG, Inc. to look for reward in case of patent encroachment. Building up the trademark and patent turns out to be particularly significant when Steve draws in is corporate secret activities and transfers inside innovative work data to BUG, Inc. ’s contender, WIRETAP.The first thing that BUG needs to mull over concerning the Steve’s activities as a worker of WIRETAP is that he ahs carried out a felony under the Economic Espionage Case of 1996 (â€Å"Economic espionage†, 2007). That implies that if the organization can prduce adequate proof, Steve could be dealing with government indictments for his activity. Steve could confront 10 years in jail and up to $500,000 in fines identified with criminal accusations of the bur glary of prized formulas (Halligan 1996). WIRETAP could confront $5 million in fines. (Halligan 1996).Because Walter was not a law implementation official, it could be contended that his keeping Steve in a bolted space for six hours comprises bogus detainment and he could deal with criminal indictments identified with those activities (Best Practice #1, 1999). As indicated by the International Association of Security Professional, the law permits security watchmen to confine individuals associated with a wrongdoing sufficiently long to determine their personality and to contact the police, not to address them for six hours, contingent upon the state they are working in, he could be accused of bogus detainment or kidnapping.(Best Practice #1, 1999). Likewise, in many states, his dangers of physical viciousness, however just dangers, establish a boisterous attack on Steve and he could be accused of ambush also. (Online Dictionary, 2007) Furthermore, in light of the fact that Walter di d this while at work and utilized an organization office to do as such, BUG, Inc. may confront some obligation for his activities too. BUG could contend that Walter was not acting inside the extent of his obligations, however that is gave a false representation of by the way that he took these activities on organization time and on organization property.(Best Practice #1, 1999). This may imply that due to Walter’s activities, BUG could be confronting more noteworthy obligation than Steve is. At the point when BUG goes on the web, it is conceivable that they might have the option to secure the space name recently bought by the clearinghouse enterprise through a claim contending that the clearinghouse bought it with the aim of denying them from the trademark (Uniform Domain, 1999).There are likewise arrangements for managerial hearings if BUG can show that the other substance embraced the area name just trying to deny them of the name by which they are normally known (Uniform D omain, 1999). Be that as it may, it would be basic as their lawyer to clarify that the expense of inciting the claim could be enormous and that they ought to gauge the expense of the claim against the expense of essentially buying the space name from the present proprietors. There are arrangements for the recuperation of charges through the managerial hearing procedure, however they are not ensured to win (Uniform Domain, 1999).BUG ought to likewise know that as the instigators of an online agreement they can figure out what conditions establish acknowledgment of the agreement and that American courts have held that online agreements are just as authoritative as composed agreements (CyberLaw 2007). The organization ought to likewise figure out what their strategy is concerning offer of their item to non-law implementation staff and in the event that they expect to disperse solely to proper law requirement work force, how they will check that the individual requesting the provisions is who they case to be.The partnership ought to likewise consider contracting with an outside firm to gracefully site security to shield their budgetary exchanges from programmers (CyberLaw 2007). At the BUG plant in Shady Town, BUG obligation for the assault on the merchant and representatives is alleviated by the way that there is a network wide wrongdoing binge in progress and by the way that the organization has not supplanted lights that have been broken or worn out. As a welcomed visitor of the organization, the seller has the privilege to anticipate wellbeing as do representatives (Killion, 2007).When sued for misfortunes which happened on their property, Bug’s lawyers can contend that their obligation to give a protected domain to workers and customers was sabotaged by the network wide wrongdoing binge (Killion, 2007) The examination concerning Steve’s activities may bring about common RICO procedures if the organization can demonstrate fundamental mail, wire o r protections misrepresentation (â€Å"Overview†2007). Without proof of the basic wrongdoing, its absolutely impossible to seek after non military personnel RICO charges (â€Å"Overview†2007).Because the organization knew about the potential risk presented by the prior model and selected not to address it with an end goal to bring down creation costs, BUG is liabile for the wounds endured by Sally. (â€Å"Product Liability†2007) If the organization had been uninformed of the injury potential from the model or had found it after the model was in mass circulation and had given a review, their risk may have been lower. Notwithstanding, the organization knew about the issue and decided not to fix it with an end goal to make more money.At that point, a decent close to home injury legal advisor could contend that BUG was careless and along these lines ought to be compelled to pay genuine harms to Sally, yet in addition reformatory harms as an honor for torment and languishing. Correctional harms are granted when the court verifies that an organization ought to be rebuffed for their activities; for this situation, for realizing that the item was possibly dangerous and never helping to end the danger.If the case went to preliminary, BUG’s lawyers could contend that the more current models of the gadget were more secure and that the obligation regarding Sally’s injury ought to be shared by her manager for neglecting to give her the more up to date model, however this contention never really decline BUG’s risk. (â€Å"Product Liability†2007). WORKS CITED â€Å"Best Practice #1: Detaining Shoplifiting Suspects†www. iapsc. organization/uploaded_documents/bp1. doc, November 6, 2007. PC Crimes and Intellectual Property Law†< http://www. usdoj. gov/criminal/cybercrime/iplaws. html> November 6, 2007. â€Å"Cyber Law†http://www. sidley. com/cyberlaw/highlights/int_juris.asp, November 6, 2007. â⠂¬Å"Free Dictionary†http://www. thefreedictionary. com/attack, November 6, 2007. Halligan, R. Imprint. â€Å"The Economic Espionage Act of 1996: The Theft of Trade Secrets is Now a Federal Crime†http://my. execpc. com/~mhallign/wrongdoing. html November 6, 2007. â€Å"International Protection of Intellectual Property†< http://www. wipo. int/pct/en/bargain/about. htm> November 6, 2007. Killion, Susan Westrick and Katherine Dempski. â€Å"Legal And Ethical Issues†http://books. google. com/books? id=I20ZNJHFRVcC&pg=PA105&lpg=PA105&dq=corporate+liability+for+attack+on+premises&source=web&ots=WTIBrE-gj2&sig=iVtr5bLslUY7wZLeBT1zNzagWRQ
Saturday, August 22, 2020
USS Missouri (BB-63) in World War II
USS Missouri (BB-63) in World War II Requested on June 20, 1940, USS Missouri (BB-63) was the fourth boat of the Iowa-class of battleships.â USS Missouri (BB-63) - Overview Country: United StatesType: BattleshipShipyard: New York Navy YardLaid Down: January 6, 1941Launched: January 29, 1944Commissioned: June 11, 1944Fate: Museum Ship at Pearl Harbor, HI Determinations Removal: 45,000 tonsLength: 887 ft., 3 in.Beam: 108 ft. 2 in.Draft: 28 ft. 11 in.Speed: 33 knotsComplement: 2,700 men Combat hardware (1944) Firearms 9 x 16 in. (406 mm) 50 cal. Imprint 7 firearms (3 turrets of 3 weapons each)20 Ãâ€"5 in. (127 mm) 38 cal. Imprint 12 guns80 x 40 mm 56 cal. hostile to airplane guns49 x 20 mm 70 cal. hostile to airplane weapons Plan Construction Planned as quick war vessels equipped for filling in as escorts for the new Essex-class plane carrying warships at that point being structured, the Iowas were longer and quicker than the prior North Carolina and South Dakota-classes. Set down at the New York Navy Yard on January 6, 1941, deal with Missouri continued through the early long stretches of World War II. As the significance of plane carrying warships expanded, the US Navy moved its structure needs to those Essex-class delivers then under development. Thus, Missouri was not propelled until January 29, 1944. Initiated by Margaret Truman, the girl of then-Senator Harry Truman of Missouri, the boat moved to the fitting out docks for fulfillment. Missouris deadly implement focused on nine Mark 7 16 firearms which were mounted in three triple turrets. These were enhanced by 20 5 firearms, 80 40mm Bofors hostile to airplane weapons, and 49 20mm Oerlikon against airplane firearms. Finished by mid-1944, the war vessel was authorized on June 11 with Captain William M. Callaghan in order. It was the last warship appointed by the US Navy. Joining the Fleet Steaming out of New York, Missouri finished its ocean preliminaries and afterward led fight preparing in the Chesapeake Bay. This done, the war vessel withdrew Norfolk on November 11, 1944, and, after a stop in San Francisco to be fitted out as an armada leader, showed up at Pearl Harbor on December 24. Doled out to Vice Admiral Marc Mitschers Task Force 58, Missouri before long left for Ulithi where it was appended to the screening power for the transporter USS Lexington (CV-16). In February 1945, Missouri cruised with TF58 when it started propelling air strikes against the Japanese home islands. Turning south, the war vessel showed up off Iwo Jima where it gave direct fire backing to the arrivals on February 19. Re-doled out to ensure USS Yorktown (CV-10), Missouri and TF58 came back to the waters off Japan toward the beginning of March where the war vessel brought down four Japanese airplane. Soon thereafter, Missouri struck at focuses on Okinawa on the side of Allied procedure on the island. While seaward, the boat was struck by a Japanese kamikaze, in any case, the harm exacted was to a great extent shallow. Moved to Admiral William Bull Halseys Third Fleet, Missouri turned into the naval commanders leader on May 18. Japanese Surrender Moving north, the war vessel again struck focuses on Okinawa before Halseys ships moved their consideration regarding Kyushu, Japan. Persevering through a storm, Third Fleet spent June and July hitting focuses across Japan, with airplane striking the Inland Sea and the surface boats besieging shore targets. With the acquiescence of Japan, Missouri entered Tokyo Bay with other Allied ships on August 29. Chosen to have the acquiescence function, Allied leaders, drove by Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz and General Douglas MacArthur got the Japanese appointment on board Missouri on September 2, 1945. After war With the acquiescence closed, Halsey moved his banner to South Dakota and Missouri was requested to help in bringing home American servicemen as a major aspect of Operation Magic Carpet. Finishing this crucial, transport traveled the Panama Canal and participated in Navy Day festivities in New York where it was boarded by President Harry S. Truman. Following a short refit in mid 1946, the boat attempted an altruism voyage through the Mediterranean before cruising to Rio de Janeiro in August 1947, to take the Truman family back to the US after the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Hemisphere Peace and Security. Korean War At Trumans individual solicitation, the war vessel was not deactivated alongside the other Iowa-class delivers as a piece of the after war scaling down of the naval force. Following an establishing occurrence in 1950, Missouri was sent to the Far East to help United Nations troops in Korea. Satisfying a shore assault job, the warship additionally helped in screening US transporters in the region. In December 1950, Missouri moved into position to give maritime gunfire support during the departure of Hungnam. Coming back to the US for a refit in mid 1951, it continued its obligations off Korea in October 1952. Following five months in the combat area, Missouri cruised for Norfolk. In the mid year of 1953, the war vessel filled in as the leader for the US Naval Academys sailor preparing journey. Cruising to Lisbon and Cherbourg, the journey was the main time the four Iowa-class war vessels traveled together. Reactivation Modernization Upon its arrival, Missouri was set up for mothballs and was set away at Bremerton, WA in February 1955. During the 1980s, the boat and its sisters got new life as a feature of the Reagan Administrations 600-transport naval force activity. Reviewed from the save armada, Missouri experienced a huge update which saw the establishment of four MK 141 quad cell rocket launchers, eight Armored Box Launchers for Tomahawk journey rockets, and four Phalanx CIWS firearms. Moreover, the boat was fitted with the most recent gadgets and battle control frameworks. The boat was officially recommissioned on May 10, 1986, at San Francisco, CA. Bay War The following year, it made a trip to the Persian Gulf to help in Operation Earnest Will where it accompanied re-hailed Kuwaiti oil big haulers through the Straits of Hormuz. After a few routine assignments, the boat came back to the Middle East in January 1991 and assumed a functioning job in Operation Desert Storm. Showing up in the Persian Gulf on January 3, Missouri joined alliance maritime powers. With the start of Operation Desert Storm on January 17, the war vessel initiated propelling Tomahawk journey rockets at Iraqi targets. After twelve days, Missouri moved inshore and utilized its 16 firearms to shell an Iraqi order and control office close to the Saudi Arabia-Kuwait outskirt. Throughout the following a few days,â the warship, alongside its sister, USS Wisconsin (BB-64) assaulted Iraqi sea shore barriers just as focuses close Khafji. Moving north on February 23, Missouri kept striking targets shorewards as a feature of the alliance land and/or water capable bluff against the Kuwaiti coast.â over the span of the activity, the Iraqis terminated two HY-2 Silkworm rockets at the war vessel, neither of which discovered their objective. As military tasks shorewards moved out of scope of Missouris weapons, the warship initiated watching the northern Persian Gulf. Staying on station through the peace negotiation of February 28, it at long last left the area on March 21.â Following stops in Australia, Missouri showed up at Pearl Harbor the next month and assumed a job in the functions regarding the 50th commemoration of the Japanese assault that December. Last Days With the finish of the Cold War and the finish of the danger presented by the Soviet Union, Missouri was decommissioned at Long Beach, CA on March 31, 1992. Come back to Bremerton, the warship was struck from the Naval Vessel Register three years after the fact. In spite of the fact that bunches in Puget Sound wanted to keep Missouri there as an exhibition hall transport, the US Navy chose to have the war vessel set in Pearl Harbor where it would fill in as an image of the finish of World War II. Towed to Hawaii in 1998, it was secured close to Ford Island and the remaining parts of USS Arizona (BB-39). After a year, Missouri it opened as an exhibition hall transport. Sources Word reference of American Naval Fighting Ships: USS MissouriBattleship Missouri MemorialHistorynet: USS Missouri
Friday, August 21, 2020
Art and Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Craftsmanship and Culture - Assignment Example It tends to be everything without exception. The canvas of a craftsman isn't huge, yet his degree is and it’s critical to look underneath the outside of workmanship as opposed to simply investigating its medium and surface. The ‘Tutankhamuns Golden Death Mask’ is a fabulous bit of craftsmanship and is kept in Cairo Museum of Art. The passing cover is accepted to be of ruler Tutankhamun child of Akhtenaten. Tutankhamun was 19 years of age when he broke his leg and contamination caused his passing. The veil is made of 24 pound unadulterated gold, blue-glass and installed with different valuable stones (, 2014). It secured the head and shoulder territory of the perished. This cover is a copy of the dead sovereign however somewhat imaginatively introduced, yet it makes a definitive representation of the expired ruler. To check its similarity with the late ruler, mummy of Tutankhamun and the veil were coordinated, intense lips, noticeable nose, very much formed eyes and jawline coordinated with the highlights of mummy. The most conspicuous thing about the cover is its energy, which is obvious in the veil. Demise cover was made to respect the dead youthful King/ruler and to make s ure about his situation in eternal life.,. (2014). 10 Most Distinguished Works of Ancient Egyptian Art - History Lists. Recovered 16 September 2014, from
Human Biology Digestive and Urinary System Essay Free Essays
Conceptual The human body needs to keep up legitimate homeostasis to endure. There are a few diverse organ frameworks in the human body. Two of those frameworks are the stomach related framework and the urinary framework. We will compose a custom paper test on Human Biology Digestive and Urinary System Essay or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now The two frameworks expel squander from the body yet in a totally extraordinary manner. They additionally keep up homeostasis inside our circulation system. The two frameworks are basic for endurance. This paper will portray how every one of those frameworks takes a shot at its own and furthermore how they cooperate to keep up homeostasis for the body. How the Urinary and Digestive Systems Work Together to Maintain Homeostasis The stomach related framework attempts to carry supplements into the body with a progression of empty organs cooperating stretching out from the mouth to the butt. These empty organs are the mouth, pharynx, throat, stomach, small digestive system, internal organ, rectum, and butt. These empty organs make up the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The GI tract is supported by four frill organs, the salivary organs, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Johnson) There are five fundamental procedures of the stomach related framework. These procedures are motility, discharge, processing, ingestion, and discharge. Motility is the mechanical preparing and development of food taken into the body. Biting breaks food into littler pieces, and two sorts of development blend the substance of the lumen and move it forward. The lumen is within coating of the GI tract. Emission is the liquid, stomach related chemicals, corrosive, solu ble base, bile, and bodily fluid that are discharged into the GI tract at different spots. Assimilation is the place the substance of the lumen are separated precisely and artificially into littler and littler particles, finishing in supplement atoms. Ingestion is the thing that happens when the supplement atoms go over the GI tract and into the blood. Disposal is the entirety of the undigested material is wiped out from the body through the rear-end. (Johnson) These GI tract and the four adornment organs of the stomach related tract cooperate to finish the five procedures so as to carry supplements into the body, and take out waste. The digestive organ ingests supplements and disposes of waste. The small digestive tract retains supplements and water. The water and supplements assimilated from the digestive organs go into the circulatory system . (Johnson) The urinary framework comprises of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The ureters, bladder, and urethra transport and store pee until it is dispensed with from the body. The kidneys produce pee. Pee is the nitrogenous waste expelled from the circulation system. It is fundamental to the body to evacuate this loss so as to look after homeostasis. (Johnson) The kidneys play out the entirety of the fundamental capacities in the urinary framework. They control water levels in the body. At the point when you take in water each day it is dependent upon the kidneys to discharge the abundance water or to monitor however much as could reasonably be expected. The kidneys have an extraordinary ability to alter water discharge as vital. Ordinarily with at least a half liter for each day to one liter for every hour. (Johnson) The kidneys likewise manage the nitrogenous waste and different solutes in our blood. One waste that is harmful to our cells is smelling salts. Alkali is detoxified rapidly by the liver by being joined with carbon dioxide to make urea. Urea is the primary waste item in pee. Sodium and chloride are both managed by the kidneys too. Sodium and chloride are both critical to decide the volume of extracellular liquids, similar to blood. This legitimately influences circulatory strain. (Johnson) Other substances that the kidneys direct are potassium, calcium, hydrogen, and creatinine. It is dependent upon the kidneys to keep up homeostasis with every one of these substances. Creatinine is a waste item that is delivered during digestion. This is one of the squanders that give pee a yellow shading. Johnson) The stomach related framework expels supplements and water from the food that we eat and drink and transports it to our circulatory system. Any strong squanders that can't be processed are then disposed of from the GI tract. Our urinary framework at that point expels any of the undesirable and unneeded substances and squanders from the circulation system and discharges them in pee. This is the way homeostasis is kept up in our body with squander, so that there is no poisonous develop in our body from specific substances. Homeostasis is basic to be kept up inside the body for endurance. Homeostasis is the body’s capacity to keep up moderately stable inner conditions despite the fact that the outside world is ceaselessly evolving. (Marieb) All living things must keep up an interior domain perfect with life, and the scope of compound and states of being good with life is restricted. (Johnson) In request for the stomach related and urinary frameworks to cooperate to keep up homeostasis the two frameworks must be working appropriately. First we devour food and water. At that point our stomach related framework assimilates the supplements and water into our circulatory system. When the supplements and water is in our circulatory system our urinary framework the channels the blood and evacuates any extra waste and keeps up the best possible homeostasis with the supplements we expend. On the off chance that our stomach related framework isn't working appropriately, at that point we can't assimilate the best possible supplements and liquids so as to permit our kidneys to channel our blood and look after homeostasis. On the off chance that our urinary framework isn't working appropriately than the supplements and liquids we devour can cause a development in our circulatory system of poisonous squanders and liquids and lose homeostasis. Whichever way it is impeding to our body for this to occur. Our pulse would be influenced harshly and this would cause issues with our cardiovascular framework as well as our respiratory framework. It is basic to keep the two frameworks beneficial to guarantee that our body’s have the best possible water and supplements to endure and that all waste is discharged from our frameworks. References Johnson, Michael D. Human Biology: Concepts and Current Issues-6th version. Pearson Education. 2012. Print. Marieb, Elaine Nicpone. Basics goodness Human Anatomy and Physiology-tenth version. Pearson Education. 2012. Print. Step by step instructions to refer to Human Biology Digestive and Urinary System Essay, Essay models
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Monitoring as a Motivation for IPO Underpricing Essay #2 - 275 Words
Monitoring as a Motivation for IPO Underpricing (Essay #2) (Other (Not Listed) Sample) Content: MONITORING AS A MOTIVATION FOR IPO UNDER PRICINGName:Institution:Date:During an Initial Public Offer (IPO), insiders make several considerations that would enable them meet their goals. One of the considerations made by the insiders is under-pricing of the Issue. Under-pricing generates excess demand, which leads to biased rationing against large investors who usually have an incentive when it comes to monitoring the firm.This is often witnessed in Dual-Class IPOs, where despite the insiders wanting to invite investors, they always wish to retain a say in the decision making process thus insulating themselves from outside control . Dual-Class unlike Single-Class IPOs shield the firm from being an acquisition target since the outsiders voting power is curtailed.Brennan and Franks thus developed the reduced monitoring hypothesis after observing that insiders due to the fear of being monitored or removed by the new shareholders usually under-price the new shares thus ens uring that smaller investors are allocated a larger share of the issue and thus by the principle of one-share, one-vote the few large investors would have less say in the firms decision making.In contrast, Stoughton and Zecher argued that for insiders wishing to maximize the firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s value will usually ration IPO shares being allocated to the smaller investors. According to them, the firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s revenues more of increase with outside monitoring thus the increased monitoring Hypothesis.The research conducted by Arugaslan, Cook and Kieschnick on the contrary arrives with different conclusions about the role of monitoring i...
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Human Resource Practices and the Globalization - 4400 Words
Human Resource Practices and the Globalization (Essay Sample) Content: Human Resource practices and the globalizationInstitutionNameCourseDateINTRODUCTIONHuman Resource Management refers to the strategies and policies that are used in business organizations to address and handle the workforce. It is also termed as the coherent strategic approach the management uses in organizations to achieve their organizational Objectives. This is achieved trough proper management of organization employees. The act of human resource involves recruiting of new personnel to the organization, management of workforce as well as providing them with directions. Mainly, Human resource management is concerned with the nature and regulation of the relationship between the senior and junior staff members.Establishment of Human resource management was in a bid to search for new ways of working and to start the central management that was mainly aimed at promoting organizational change. It also aimed at encouraging workers by providing them compensation and bonuse s for the good job they do, motivating them and offering them advise regarding their careers (Arthur, 2004).Globalization can be termed as a process in which there is an interaction and integration of people and business organizations of different nations in attempt to improve and market themselves internationally being aided by the emergence of information technology. Globalization in Human Resources practices has been considered to open a flow of human and economic resources mostly in the developed economies such as the European Unions. This has lead to competing in global markets since it requires loads of factors for centralization of human resources practices. Globalization has accentuated the need to deal with the human resource efficiently and effectively so as to increase benefits associated with the global market (Rees et al., 2011).Globalization has influenced the business organizations in some ways. Due to globalization, businesses have been able to exploit international markets easily when it comes to marketing. Also, it is coherent that the business organizations should recruit and maintain the talented individuals globally so as to remain competent in its lines of products. Logically, it is clear that the demand for employees exceeds the supply in terms of specialization. So, by going around the globe, the human resource will find the qualified candidates.With the emergence of information technology and the introduction of internet communication, the human resource management has been made easy since one can communicate with the employees regarding the progress and issues that may arise from job assignment outside the country. The department achieve this by setting up a communications for emergencies and setting up emails alerts that the employees send weekly from international assignments (Dowling,. et al. 2008).Moreover, human resource department has been able to devise ways of training their employees so as to improve the performance trough o rganizations globalization. Some training that cannot be offered in home country has forced the organization to send their employees for such training. Consequently, in some circumstances, the employees may be offered this training services credential information through the internet lives streaming or via the website portals found to have essential information regarding the training.However, globalization has led some business organizations to spend extra funds from sending their employees for international assignments. This is because; the employees who are being sent abroad may work there for extended periods of time. This implies that the company should cater for the housing, food, and any other expense to make the employee comfortable. In some circumstances, the employees are married and have children and should be accompanied by them. This means the company should furthermore cater for the entire family (Dowling et al., 2008).Globalization has been found to lead to some practi ces. All this are dependent on the way the human resource management department chooses to play. In some situations, globalization of the human resource functions has been found to converge. This implies that the practices are uniform globally. This will ensure that the roles of each department irrespective of the location globally will be understood by others in the same department. It helps in ensuring consistency On the other hand, globalization has been found to lead to divergence of its practices in that the roles of departments are differentiated to adhere to the local policies. This seeks to ensure that the department applies the policies that they might be very effective to such company and more understood than the global policies posed by convergence (Rees et al., 2011).CONVERGENT HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICESSince the function of the Human Resource Management department is to deal with the management of the employees of an organization, converging its practices is very crucial as the organization may have recruited international personnel. In addition, the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s personnel may be working across a border which as well needs guidance from the department (Dowling et al., 2008).Globalization and increase in international trade have found that it is necessary for organizations that are taking parts in the international markets adhere to convergent policies so as to ensure that they become consistent and understood by the practicing nations. Convergence has been found to be essential since with success in various economies of different nations, the ideas of improving the organizational performance also increases as well as the need to effectively manage the employees both locally and at international levels.Moreover, given the regional and international range of stages regarding the economic development, convergence will allow for exploration of the advanced policies and styles of management as well as the less developed nations management style. I n short, convergence allows for exploration of more superficial and effective styles of human resource management Dowling et al., 2008).Most importantly, as the organizations are seeking to be more competitive and volatile than ever before, firms are embarking on expanding their operations and doing business globally. They send their employees for international assignments that they can as well be managed by international companies working in conjunction with the home company. If the policies applied by the international company are not the same as the ones applied by home company, then there will be a challenge. This addresses the importance of convergence of human resource practices.Reasons that have been attributed to the global convergence are the power markets that have attempted to ensure that the firms are more productive. It was found that, firms could become more productive at a lower cost merely by copying the styles of the management styles used by those successful organi zations. Additionally, the transaction cost economics rule that implies that at any point it time, there can exist the best ever solution that can help in employee management.Analysis shows that the tendency of firms to converge towards the similar structures of the organization and the practices of the labor flows towards the achievement of the same needs for an organization. Furthermore, the like-minded international cadres also contribute to the convergence of the human resource practices. This implies that the ways in which the human resource management department thinks about globalizing will play a part in the convergence of this department. Consequently, the tendency of a company to feel an urge in standardizing its human resource practices so as to achieve better cost structure and the similar services and products will lead the company into adapting that.Various debates have been ongoing with the main aims of bringing the human resource practices globally into uniformity. T his has been contributed by the actions that have led to creations of unprecedented wealth and have broadened the availability of capital. The organizations saw that it was a perfect chance to venture into international markets. For instance, the McDonald's fast food culture opted to venture into all continents. In this acts, they were to use the available labor so that they can save some funds associated with moving around with their employees. This implied that the human resource management had to be done centrally. Furthermore, reality being that the employees are from diverse cultural beliefs and needs to be managed forced the divergence of the human resource practices to ensure that they follow the required standards associated with management of employees (Effron et al., 2013).Additionally, the process in which the principles of fast food restaurant chain McDonalds have brought the entire world into fold depicts some of the strategies applied in ensuring that they excel in the se international markets. They ensured that they are efficient in what they do and additionally calculated the likely income and gains to be made in venturing globally. They thus predicted the products that were likely to be loved by the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s irrespective of culture differences. This implies that the restaurant had to standardize its operations in order to reduce and avoid chances of misunderstandings between the new employees and the company management (Daniel, Reitsperger, 2014).Globalization created many opportunities for business organizations. Organizations being driven by talents and the need to reduce the cost of their operations in order to maximize profits found that international interactions were very crucial. Thus for the shortage of talent in the developed countries and the need to fill this gap, there was a need to perform tasks in international standards. This implied that the operations of th... Human Resource Practices and the Globalization - 4400 Words Human Resource Practices and the Globalization (Essay Sample) Content: Human Resource practices and the globalizationInstitutionNameCourseDateINTRODUCTIONHuman Resource Management refers to the strategies and policies that are used in business organizations to address and handle the workforce. It is also termed as the coherent strategic approach the management uses in organizations to achieve their organizational Objectives. This is achieved trough proper management of organization employees. The act of human resource involves recruiting of new personnel to the organization, management of workforce as well as providing them with directions. Mainly, Human resource management is concerned with the nature and regulation of the relationship between the senior and junior staff members.Establishment of Human resource management was in a bid to search for new ways of working and to start the central management that was mainly aimed at promoting organizational change. It also aimed at encouraging workers by providing them compensation and bonuse s for the good job they do, motivating them and offering them advise regarding their careers (Arthur, 2004).Globalization can be termed as a process in which there is an interaction and integration of people and business organizations of different nations in attempt to improve and market themselves internationally being aided by the emergence of information technology. Globalization in Human Resources practices has been considered to open a flow of human and economic resources mostly in the developed economies such as the European Unions. This has lead to competing in global markets since it requires loads of factors for centralization of human resources practices. Globalization has accentuated the need to deal with the human resource efficiently and effectively so as to increase benefits associated with the global market (Rees et al., 2011).Globalization has influenced the business organizations in some ways. Due to globalization, businesses have been able to exploit international markets easily when it comes to marketing. Also, it is coherent that the business organizations should recruit and maintain the talented individuals globally so as to remain competent in its lines of products. Logically, it is clear that the demand for employees exceeds the supply in terms of specialization. So, by going around the globe, the human resource will find the qualified candidates.With the emergence of information technology and the introduction of internet communication, the human resource management has been made easy since one can communicate with the employees regarding the progress and issues that may arise from job assignment outside the country. The department achieve this by setting up a communications for emergencies and setting up emails alerts that the employees send weekly from international assignments (Dowling,. et al. 2008).Moreover, human resource department has been able to devise ways of training their employees so as to improve the performance trough o rganizations globalization. Some training that cannot be offered in home country has forced the organization to send their employees for such training. Consequently, in some circumstances, the employees may be offered this training services credential information through the internet lives streaming or via the website portals found to have essential information regarding the training.However, globalization has led some business organizations to spend extra funds from sending their employees for international assignments. This is because; the employees who are being sent abroad may work there for extended periods of time. This implies that the company should cater for the housing, food, and any other expense to make the employee comfortable. In some circumstances, the employees are married and have children and should be accompanied by them. This means the company should furthermore cater for the entire family (Dowling et al., 2008).Globalization has been found to lead to some practi ces. All this are dependent on the way the human resource management department chooses to play. In some situations, globalization of the human resource functions has been found to converge. This implies that the practices are uniform globally. This will ensure that the roles of each department irrespective of the location globally will be understood by others in the same department. It helps in ensuring consistency On the other hand, globalization has been found to lead to divergence of its practices in that the roles of departments are differentiated to adhere to the local policies. This seeks to ensure that the department applies the policies that they might be very effective to such company and more understood than the global policies posed by convergence (Rees et al., 2011).CONVERGENT HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICESSince the function of the Human Resource Management department is to deal with the management of the employees of an organization, converging its practices is very crucial as the organization may have recruited international personnel. In addition, the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s personnel may be working across a border which as well needs guidance from the department (Dowling et al., 2008).Globalization and increase in international trade have found that it is necessary for organizations that are taking parts in the international markets adhere to convergent policies so as to ensure that they become consistent and understood by the practicing nations. Convergence has been found to be essential since with success in various economies of different nations, the ideas of improving the organizational performance also increases as well as the need to effectively manage the employees both locally and at international levels.Moreover, given the regional and international range of stages regarding the economic development, convergence will allow for exploration of the advanced policies and styles of management as well as the less developed nations management style. I n short, convergence allows for exploration of more superficial and effective styles of human resource management Dowling et al., 2008).Most importantly, as the organizations are seeking to be more competitive and volatile than ever before, firms are embarking on expanding their operations and doing business globally. They send their employees for international assignments that they can as well be managed by international companies working in conjunction with the home company. If the policies applied by the international company are not the same as the ones applied by home company, then there will be a challenge. This addresses the importance of convergence of human resource practices.Reasons that have been attributed to the global convergence are the power markets that have attempted to ensure that the firms are more productive. It was found that, firms could become more productive at a lower cost merely by copying the styles of the management styles used by those successful organi zations. Additionally, the transaction cost economics rule that implies that at any point it time, there can exist the best ever solution that can help in employee management.Analysis shows that the tendency of firms to converge towards the similar structures of the organization and the practices of the labor flows towards the achievement of the same needs for an organization. Furthermore, the like-minded international cadres also contribute to the convergence of the human resource practices. This implies that the ways in which the human resource management department thinks about globalizing will play a part in the convergence of this department. Consequently, the tendency of a company to feel an urge in standardizing its human resource practices so as to achieve better cost structure and the similar services and products will lead the company into adapting that.Various debates have been ongoing with the main aims of bringing the human resource practices globally into uniformity. T his has been contributed by the actions that have led to creations of unprecedented wealth and have broadened the availability of capital. The organizations saw that it was a perfect chance to venture into international markets. For instance, the McDonald's fast food culture opted to venture into all continents. In this acts, they were to use the available labor so that they can save some funds associated with moving around with their employees. This implied that the human resource management had to be done centrally. Furthermore, reality being that the employees are from diverse cultural beliefs and needs to be managed forced the divergence of the human resource practices to ensure that they follow the required standards associated with management of employees (Effron et al., 2013).Additionally, the process in which the principles of fast food restaurant chain McDonalds have brought the entire world into fold depicts some of the strategies applied in ensuring that they excel in the se international markets. They ensured that they are efficient in what they do and additionally calculated the likely income and gains to be made in venturing globally. They thus predicted the products that were likely to be loved by the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s irrespective of culture differences. This implies that the restaurant had to standardize its operations in order to reduce and avoid chances of misunderstandings between the new employees and the company management (Daniel, Reitsperger, 2014).Globalization created many opportunities for business organizations. Organizations being driven by talents and the need to reduce the cost of their operations in order to maximize profits found that international interactions were very crucial. Thus for the shortage of talent in the developed countries and the need to fill this gap, there was a need to perform tasks in international standards. This implied that the operations of th...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Mughal Empires 300-Year Rule of India
The Mughal Empire (also known as Mogul, Timurid, or Hindustan empire) is considered one of the classic periods of Indias long and amazing history. In 1526, Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad Babur, a man with Mongol heritage from central Asia, established a foothold in the Indian subcontinent which was to last for more than three centuries. By 1650, the Mughal Empire was one of three leading powers of the Islamic worldâ€â€the so-called Gunpowder Empiresâ€â€which also included the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Persia. At its height, around 1690, the Mughal Empire ruled almost the entire subcontinent of India, controlling four million square kilometers of land and a population of about 160 million. Economics and Organization The Mughal emperors (or Great Mughals) were despotic rulers who relied upon and held sway over a large number of ruling elites. The imperial court included officers, bureaucrats, secretaries, court historians, and accountants, who produced astounding documentation of the empires day-to-day operations. The elites were organized on the basis of the mansabdari system, a military and administrative system developed by Genghis Khan and applied by the Mughal leaders to classify the nobility. The emperor controlled the nobles lives, from who they married to their education in arithmetic, agriculture, medicine, household management, and the rules of government. The economic life of the empire was buoyed by a strong international market trade, including goods produced by farmers and artisans. The emperor and his court were supported by taxation and the ownership of a region known as the Khalisa Sharifa, which varied in size with the emperor. The rulers also established Jagirs, feudal land grants which were commonly administered by local leaders. Rules of Succession Although each classic period Mughal ruler was the son of his predecessor, the succession was by no means one of primogenitureâ€â€the eldest did not necessarily win his fathers throne. In the Mughal world, every son had an equal share in his fathers patrimony, and all males within a ruling group had a right to succeed to the throne, creating an open-ended, if contentious, system. Each son was semi-independent of his father and received semipermanent territorial holdings when he was deemed old enough to manage them. There were often fierce battles among the princes when a ruler died. The rule of succession could be summed up by the Persian phrase Takht, ya takhta (either throne or funeral bier). The Founding of the Mughal Empire The young prince Babur, who was descended from Timur on his fathers side and Genghis Khan on his mothers, finished his conquest of northern India in 1526, defeating the Delhi Sultan Ibrahim Shah Lodi at the First Battle of Panipat. Babur was a refugee from the fierce dynastic struggles in Central Asia; his uncles and other warlords had repeatedly denied him rule over the Silk Road cities of Samarkand and Fergana, his birthright. Babur was able to establish a base in Kabul, though, from which he turned south and conquered much of the Indian subcontinent. Babur called his dynasty Timurid, but it is better known as the Mughal Dynastyâ€â€a Persian rendering of the word Mongol. Baburs Reign Babur was never able to conquer Rajputana, home of the warlike Rajputs. He ruled over the rest of northern India and the plain of the Ganges River, though. Although he was a Muslim, Babur followed a rather loose interpretation of the Quran in some ways. He drank heavily at his famously lavish feasts, and also enjoyed smoking hashish. Baburs flexible and tolerant religious views would be all the more evident in his grandson, Akbar the Great. In 1530, Babur died at the age of 47. His eldest son Humayan fought off an attempt to seat his aunts husband as emperor and assumed the throne. Baburs body was returned to Kabul, Afghanistan, nine years after his death, and buried in the Bagh-e Babur. Height of the Mughals Humayan was not a very strong leader. In 1540, the Pashtun ruler Sher Shah Suri defeated the Timurids, deposing Humayan. The second Timurid emperor only regained his throne with aid from Persia in 1555, a year before his death, but at that time he managed even to expand on Baburs empire. When Humayan died after a fall down the stairs, his 13-year-old son Akbar was crowned. Akbar defeated the remnants of the Pashtuns and brought some previously unquelled Hindu regions under Timurid control. He also gained control over Rajput through diplomacy and marriage alliances. Akbar was an enthusiastic patron of literature, poetry, architecture, science, and painting. Although he was a committed Muslim, Akbar encouraged religious tolerance and sought wisdom from holy men of all faiths. He became known as Akbar the Great. Shah Jahan and the Taj Mahal Akbars son, Jahangir, ruled the Mughal Empire in peace and prosperity from 1605 until 1627. He was succeeded by his own son, Shah Jahan. The 36-year-old Shah Jahan inherited an incredible empire in 1627, but any joy he felt would be short-lived. Just four years later, his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, died during the birth of their 14th child. The emperor went into deep mourning and was not seen in public for a year. As an expression of his love, Shah Jahan commissioned the building of a magnificent tomb for his dear wife. Designed by the Persian architect Ustad Ahmad Lahauri, and constructed of white marble, the Taj Mahal is considered the crowning achievement of Mughal architecture. The Mughal Empire Weakens Shah Jahans third son, Aurangzeb, seized the throne and had all of his brothers executed after a protracted succession struggle in 1658. At the time, Shah Jahan was still alive, but Aurangzeb had his sickly father confined to the Fort at Agra. Shah Jahan spent his declining years gazing out at the Taj and died in 1666. The ruthless Aurangzeb proved to be the last of the Great Mughals. Throughout his reign, he expanded the empire in all directions. He also enforced a much more orthodox brand of Islam, even banning music in the empire (which made many Hindu rites impossible to perform). A three-year revolt by the Mughals long-time ally, the Pashtun, began in 1672. In the aftermath, the Mughals lost much of their authority in what is now Afghanistan, seriously weakening the empire. The British East India Company Aurangzeb died in 1707, and the Mughal state began a long, slow process of crumbling from within and without. Increasing peasant revolts and sectarian violence threatened the stability of the throne, and various nobles and warlords sought to control the line of weak emperors. All around the borders, powerful new kingdoms sprang up and began to chip away at Mughal land holdings. The British East India Company (BEI) was founded in 1600, while Akbar was still on the throne. Initially, it was only interested in trade and had to content itself with working around the fringes of the Mughal Empire. As the Mughals weakened, however, the BEI grew increasingly powerful. The Last Days of the Mughal Empire In 1757, the BEI defeated the Nawab of Bengal and French company interests at the Battle of Palashi. After this victory, the BEI took political control of much of the subcontinent, marking the start of the British Raj in India. The later Mughal rulers held on to their throne, but they were simply puppets of the British. In 1857, half of the Indian Army rose up against the BEI in what is known as the Sepoy Rebellion or the Indian Mutiny. The British home government intervened to protect its own financial stake in the company and put down the rebellion. Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar was arrested, tried for treason, and exiled to Burma. It was the end of the Mughal Dynasty. Legacy The Mughal Dynasty left a large and visible mark on India. Among the most striking examples of Mughal heritage are the many beautiful buildings that were constructed in the Mughal styleâ€â€not just the Taj Mahal, but also the Red Fort in Delhi, the Fort of Agra, Humayans Tomb and a number of other lovely works. The melding of Persian and Indian styles created some of the worlds best-known monuments. This combination of influences can also be seen in the arts, cuisine, gardens, and even in the Urdu language. Through the Mughals, Indo-Persian culture reached an apogee of refinement and beauty. Sources Asher, Catherine B. Sub–Imperial Palaces: Power and Authority in Mughal India. Ars Orientalis 23, 1993.Begley, Wayne E. The Myth of the Taj Mahal and a New Theory of Its Symbolic Meaning. The Art Bulletin, 1979.Chand, Shyam. Book Review: Religious Dimensions of Indian Nationalism: A Study of the RSS by Shamsul Islam, Tribune India, 2006.Faraqui, Munis D. The Princes of the Mughal Empire, 1504–1719. Cambridge University Press, 2012.Foltz, Richard. Cultural Contacts between Central Asia and Mughal India. Central Asiatic Journal, 1998.Haider, Najaf. Norms of Professional Excellence and Good Conduct in Accountancy Manuals of the Mughal Empire. International Review of Social History, 2011.Mukhia, Harbans. The Mughals of India, New Delhi. Wiley-Blackwell, 2004.Schimmel, Annemarie Burzine K. Waghmar. The Great Empire of the Mughals: History, Art and Culture. Reaktion Books, 2004.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Death Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller - 1789 Words
Arthur Miller born and raised in Harlem, New York in 1915. He was raised in a stable cash flowing home until the wall street crash of 1929. The Miller family moved from Upper East Side in Manhattan to Gravesend, Brooklyn. After Arthur Miller graduated from high school, he worked multiple jobs in order to help save enough money to attend the University of Michigan. While attending the University of Michigan he wrote his first play No Villain with a well known playwrighter, Professor Kenneth Rowe. Miller being inspired by Professor Rowe decided to move back to the East and begin his career. His playwrighting career did not start as he had planned,his 1940 play The Man Who Had All the Luck: Just after four performances and plenty of woeful reviews the play came to a halt. However six years later his play All My Sons was deemed a success and Miller won his first Tony Award for best author. â€Å"His play Death of a Salesman won him the triple crown of theatrical artistry: the Pulitzer Prize, the New York Drama Critics Circle Award and a Tony.†( Willy Loman, a salesman, just coming back from a failed business trip comes home to a concerned wife, Linda, who is worried about her husband’s well being, due to the fact that he is in his sixty and has to travel and ample amount of time to his business trips. Biff and Happy who are Willy’s sons are visiting their parents and reliving old memories, and theres a point where they over hear their father rambling something inShow MoreRelatedDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1387 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican play-write Arthur Miller, is undoubtedly Death of a Salesman. Arthur Miller wrote Death of a Salesman in 1949 at the time when America was evolving into an economic powerhouse. Arthur Miller critiques the system of capitalism and he also tells of the reality of the American Dream. Not only does he do these things, but he brings to light the idea of the dysfunctional family. Death of a Salesman is one of America’s saddest tragedies. In Arthur Miller’s, Death of a Salesman, three major eventsRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller888 Words  | 4 PagesDeath of a Salesman†is a play written by Arthur Miller in the year 1949. The play revolves around a desperate salesman, Willy Loman. Loman is delusioned and most of the things he does make him to appear as a man who is living in his own world away from other people. He is disturbed by the fact that he cannot let go his former self. His wife Linda is sad and lonely; his youngest son Biff is presented as a swinger/player while his eldest son Happy appears anti-business and confused by the behaviorRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1573 Words  | 7 Pagesrepresents a character with a tragic flaw leading to his downfall. In addition, in traditional tragedy, the main character falls from high authority and often it is predetermined by fate, while the audience experiences catha rsis (Bloom 2). Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman is considered to be a tragedy because this literary work has some of the main characteristics of the tragedy genre. In this play, the main character Willy Loman possesses such traits and behaviors that lead to his downfall, and theRead MoreDeath of Salesman by Arthur Miller972 Words  | 4 PagesIn the play Death of a Salesman by the playwright Arthur Miller, the use of names is significant to the characters themselves. Many playwrights and authors use names in their works to make a connection between the reader and the main idea of their work. Arthur Miller uses names in this play extraordinarily. Not only does Miller use the names to get readers to correlate them with the main idea of the play, but he also uses names to provide some irony to the play. Miller uses the meanings of someRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1628 Words  | 7 PagesArthur Miller wrote the Pulitzer Prize winning play Death of a Salesman in 1949. The play inflated the myth of the American Dream of prosperity and recognition, that hard work and integrity brings, but the play compels the world to see the ugly truth that capitalism and the materialistic world distort honesty and moral ethics. The play is a guide toward contemporary themes foreseen of the twentieth century, which are veiled with greed, power, and betrayal. Miller’s influence with the play spreadRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller949 Words  | 4 PagesDeath of a Salesman can be described as modern tragedy portraying the remaining days in the life of Willy Loman. This story is very complex, not only because of it’s use of past and present, but because of Willy’s lies that have continued to spiral out of control throughout his life. Arthur Miller puts a modern twist on Aristotle’s definition of ancient Greek tragedy when Willy Loman’s life story directly identifies the fatal flaw of the â€Å"American Dream†. Willy Loman’s tragic flaw can be recappedRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller846 Words  | 4 PagesA Dime a Dozen The Death of a Salesman is a tragedy written by playwright Arthur Miller and told in the third person limited view. The play involves four main characters, Biff, Happy, Linda, and Willy Loman, an ordinary family trying to live the American Dream. Throughout the play however, the family begins to show that through their endeavors to live the American Dream, they are only hurting their selves. The play begins by hinting at Willy’s suicidal attempts as the play begins with Linda askingRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller Essay2538 Words  | 11 PagesSurname 1 McCain Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course: Date: Death of a Salesman Death of a salesman is a literature play written by American author Arthur Miller. The play was first published in the year 1949 and premiered on Broadway in the same year. Since then, it has had several performances. It has also received a lot of accordances and won numerous awards for its literature merit including the coveted Pulitzer for drama. The play is regarded by many critics as the perfectRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller2081 Words  | 9 Pages#1 â€Å"Death of a Salesman†by Arthur Miller is a tragedy, this play has only two acts and does not include scenes in the acts. Instead of cutting from scene to scene, there is a description of how the lighting focuses on a different place or time-period, which from there, they continue on in a different setting. The play doesn’t go in chronological order. A lot of the play is present in Willy’s flashbacks or memories of events. This provides an explanation of why the characters are acting a certainRead MoreDeath Of Salesman By Arthur Miller1475 Words  | 6 Pagesto death to achieve their so- called American dream. They live alone and there is no love of parents and siblings. They may have not noticed the America dream costs them so much, which will cause a bigger regret later. In the play Death of Salesman, Arthur Miller brings a great story of a man who is at very older age and still works hard to achieve his desire, which is the American dream. Later, he no tices that his youth is gone and there is less energy in his body. Willy Loman is a salesman, who
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Analysis Gender Equality and Gender...
The idea of separate sexes has been around since humans began constructing civilizations and has progressively worsened over time. The world has mostly consisted of patriarchal institutions since then, and has oppressed women in the sense that they are less than men in status and civility. Because of this women are forced to take on specific [often times inferior]roles in society, many of those roles being; taking care of the homestead, child care, and maintaining a kosher dwelling while men assume the more prestigious occupations. â€Å"A son in all sorts of trouble finally seeks out his father for advice during a particularly bad crisis. But when he finds his father wearing an apron while washing dishes in the kitchen, the son recoils in†¦show more content†¦However, the fight for gender equality didn’t really come into light until the suffragette movement in the 19th century, and the major goal was for women to gain equal voting rights. That doesn’t include indistinguishable salaries, and other essential rights. In the instance of wage gaps, for example, the 1999 United States Census Bureau reported that women earned about 77% of what men made. Also, in 2000 women made an average of 76% of what men made for that year. The most recent Canadian statistics shows that the gender wage gap in Ontario is 28% for full-time, full-year workers. This says that female workers earn 72 cents for every $1.00 a male worker earns (â€Å"Gender and Society†Margaret Mead). Women are capable of doing the same tasks men can do. However, discrimination against women continues. Statisticians approximate that around 10-15% of the wage gap is caused by gender discrimination. Inequality of all sorts has been challenged and rallied to be amended, but it seems as though women have been more so neglected in the process of social rehabilitation. Sexual discrimination is repeatedly ignored and frequently encouraged by society because for centuries it was customary for women to be regarded as objects or tools for sexual pleasure and domestic managers (i.e. childcare). During the major idea reform era, such as the Enlightenment some of the most renowned philosophers accepted that women were â€Å"inferior†to men. Jean Jacques RousseauShow MoreRelatedGender Discrimination And The Workplace Essay1242 Words  | 5 Pagesusually paid less than their male peers and they aren’t promoted as fast as their male peers. Progress has been make towards gender workplace equality but gender workplace discrimination continues to be an impediment to gender equality. For the purpose of research on gender workplace discrimination, I used four journal articles. The first article, Minimizing Workplace Gender and Racial Bias, by author William T. Bielby, discusses stereotyping in the workplace. 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Mental Health and Mental Illness Measuring the Depth Within
Running Head: MEASURING THE DEPTH WITHIN Mental Health Mental Illness Definitions Mental health is defined as the state of satisfactory use of mental function, which results in productive activities, interactions, adjustment to change and coping with challenges (Healthy People 2020, 2012). It is fundamental to ones personal well-being, his interpersonal relationships, and fruitful participation in, and contribution to, society in general. Mental illness or mental disorder refers as a whole to all diagnosable disturbances of the mind. These disturbances are characterized by changes in thinking, mood, and/or behavior, which produce pain, discomfort, abnormal functioning or death. Mental illnesses are serious medical conditions, which cannot be overcome by simple will power. They are not caused by personality weakness or intelligence (Healthy People 2020; NAMI, 2012). Current Statistics Although widespread, mental illness afflicts only about 6% of the population (NAMI, 2012). This translates to 1 in every 17 Americans or approximately 57.7 million Americans who experience a mental disorder in a given year. The World Health Organization reported that mental disorders account for 4 out of the 10 leading causes of disability in the US and other developed countries. In addition, the US Surgeon Generals report stated that 10% of children and adolescents in the US suffer from these disorders. These, in turn, severely affect their lives at home, in school and withShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Patterns and Trends in Health and Illness Among Different Social Groupings2209 Words  | 9 PagesUnderstanding patterns and trends in health and illness among different social groupings Measuring health Statistics regarding health and illness levels are generated by three main groups. These groups are: * Government: These provide a wide range of current statistics; The Office of National Statistics provides this. 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Kaizen Event Implementation Manual Dearborn-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Kaizen Event Implementation Manual Dearborn? Answer: Introduction Latino Engineering, a 30 year old engineering company has achieved tremendous success over its lifetime, under the leadership and management of the founder, Dominic Latino, a mechanical engineer with a passion for quality engineering products. Through Dominic and his teams leadership, the company has developed a reputation for quality supplying various engineering products and components to diverse industries including utilities, oil and gas, infrastructure, and construction. Because of its great reputation, profitability, and client base, a consortium of investors bought the company, and retained most of the companys workforce, albeit with some managers quitting to seek greener pastures. Fearing loss of complete control, the founder, Dominic, also decided to sell the company and retire. However, a year after, several cracks are appearing; clients are complaining of poor customer service, defective engineering equipment, poor design and development follow-up with the clients, issue r esolution turnaround taking too long, and cases of the wrong equipment being sent to customers. This report provides ways by which the new owners can identify the source of the problems and proposes a plan for continuous improvement methodologies to return the company to its former glory and attain new standards of quality and reliability. The plan will be illustrated using pictorial methods and a plan for the implementation of the continuous improvement plan. Continuous Improvement Plan The quality improvement process at Latino Engineering must start with how the root causes for the problems are identified, having been acknowledged that problems exist. The proposed methodology involves the implementation of the 7 Quality Control (7 QC) Tools for Continuous Improvement of Manufacturing Processes known popularly as the 7 QC tools (Oakland 2014). The 7 QC Tools refer to statistical tools introduced and developed in Japan, which according to Magar and Shinde (2014) can be used to tackle 95% of all problems related to manufacturing. The 7 QC Tools include; The Pareto Diagram The Cause and Effect Diagram A Histogram Control Charts Scatter Diagrams Use of Graphs Check Sheets These are discussed in the following sections on how Latino Engineering will apply them to solve existing problems and further improve their products and services. The diagram (shown in Appendix II: 7 QC Diagram) shows how the methodology discussed below should proceed. Before implementing the 7 QC Tools, it is important that the root causes are identified and a higher level overview provided. This is achieved using the POTI (Processes, Organization, Technology, and Information). This is an Agile process that enables incremental assessment and improvement of the problems identified; this method is used by implementing the 7 QC Tools (Cano, Moguerza Redchuk 2012). The POTI diagram is shown in Appendix I: POTI Diagram. Using the POTI diagram, Latino Engineering organizational culture must be evaluated as it seems the root cause of most problems, given the company retained most of the staff under the previous management of Dominic. In evaluating the organizational culture; the structur e of the organization will be reviewed, along with roles and skills required for present and future business functions, staffing levels, and from this analysis, changes to the companys organizational structure will be proposed and implemented. This is because after some former managers departed, the new culture seems not to focus on quality and customer satisfaction as happened under the leadership of Dominic and his managers ('Project Management Tips', 2017). Next, the processes will be evaluated to include the business functions and processes at the company, performance levels, operational costs, the vision and required future state as processes have a bearing on many factors, including communication and quality assurance. Next, the technology requirements for Latino Engineering will be evaluated to see gaps and introduce technology that will enhance quality design such as the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Auto CAD (Sanchez, Hampson Vaux 2016) along with systems such as CRM and ERP programs to enhance communication and ensure quality customer service (Crandall Crandall 2015). Finally, the information component will be evaluated to determine the necessary information required and the relevant data; the communication between company and clients will be evaluated, as is communication with designers, engineers, and customer service agents. This will identify the root cause of the problems and is an essential process before implementing a continuous improvement plan (CIP) using the 7 QC Tool to improve on product quality and customer service The Pareto Diagram This tool is particularly important for the Latino Engineering problems because it arranges items in the order of their contributing magnitude so that the few items that exert the maximum influence are identified (Cano, Moguerza Redchuk 2012). Based on the identified problems the biggest problem must be the issue of poor design and development follow up with clients, which contributes to most of the other problems that are assumed to be 35% of the problems and must be happening pervasively at the organization. The second problem is that of poor communication as the first issue shows follow up during design and development is poor; this contributes to 30% of the problem. The third major issue is as a result of the first two problems and are defective engineering products, that should contributed (assumed) 25 of the problems being experienced. The next problem is non-responsive customer service and team that we assume contributes 15% of problems. Next cause is too long turnaround in d ealing with issues that we assume contributed 10%, and the final issue is cases where wrong equipment is packed and delivered to the clients and we assume this contributes to 5% of problem in terms of impact. These are then visually represented in a Pareto chart by tabulating the absolute numbers; for example, the number of times every week of poor design and follow in design and development with clients. The number of times this is done is established and recorded (Suganthi Samuel 2006). For all the items, this data is collected and tabulated with the Y axis of the chart having two sides; the left will show the numbers while the right side will show the percent contributions (See Appendix III: Pareto). Graphs and points are developed and the points joined; at this point the chart is ready for interpretation. At some point, the chart slope will change suddenly and its the point that separates the vital few from useful many (Srivastava 2006). Focus will be placed on the vital few fo r the best impacts. Cause and Effect Diagram Once the Pareto diagram is developed and interpreted, the cause and effect diagram is developed; this is a tool used to show the systematic relationships between symptoms and/or results and its possible causes. The tool enables systematic ideas about ides to be developed on the problem causes. Poor communication can be due to weak management controls and lack of necessary tools to aid communication and design. This will require on agreeing on what effect is and defining it so that causes for it can be established (Chandramouli 2013). The effect is placed at the right end of the entire diagram and then the spine drawn (See Appendix III how this looks). Arrows are used to connect the possible causes to the backbone. After brainstorming to establish the causes of poor design (such as unsuitable design tools and poor use of design tools, lack of proper testing of tools or use of simulation software such as Siemens PLM to simulate performance after design and make changes based on simulat ion results), according to Middleton Sutton (2005). The relative importance of identified causes will then be discussed and brainstorming sessions held for more causes and the list of important causes shortlisted. The cause and effect for the identified complaints include; Cause Effect Poor design parameters Poor design and development follow up with clients Lack of sufficient testing of equipment prototypes Lack or insufficient simulation runs of design Poor culture of communication with customer during design and development Poor understanding of client needs Poor controls by managers on communication, design, and simulation/ testing standards Lack of the necessary tools to aid quality design Poor design systems Defective engineering equipment Lack of sufficient testing of equipment prototypes Lack of strict quality control by management Poor raw materials purchased Lack of proper planning of manufacturing and production activities leading to rushed production Poor understanding of product and design requirements Poor organizational culture Too long turnaround time for issue resolution Lack of proper understanding of customer concerns Poor customer service Poor tools for managing communication with clients, such a s not logging customer complaints Lack of coordination between departments Non responsive customer service team Poor organizational culture Few contact points with customers Lack of tools such a CRM software for customer service Poor inventory control and management systems wrong engineering equipment was packaged and delivered to clients Poor internal communication Lack of enterprise systems to manage aspects of logistics and communication Histogram This is a frequency distribution diagram that depicts the distribution patterns of what has been an observed, grouped in class interval that are convenient and arranged in the order of their magnitude. The histograms will be used in studying distribution patterns of the observations and drawing conclusions concerning the process using the established pattern. For this activity, about 50 observations about an item will be collected and values arranged in ascending manner. The range of values will then be divided into convenient groups, each representative of an equal class interval. The group numbers will be approximately the square root of the number of observations; in this case we will have seven groupings. For each group, the frequency is noted and a Cartesian plane chart drawn with the frequency shown on the Y axis and the appropriate scales on the X axis (See Appendix IV). For every group, bars will be drawn and the distribution patterns for problems and issues studied and evalu ated and conclusions drawn ('What is Six Sigma' 2017). Control Charts All production processes have inherent variability due either to assignable causes (that can be prevented) and random causes (that are not preventable). The chart will enable assignable causes to be made out and production troubles diagnosed and corrected for engineering equipment Latino produces with substantial improvements possible. Using this chart, we will know when a process must be left alone and when action must be taken. This will be done by identifying attributes and quantifying them as variables and the mean and range also identified. X is the sub group mean while R is the range showing the difference between the maximum and minimum within the sub group. Control charts that deplete the _X and R variations; R charts will be used when sub groups are between 2 and 5 and s charts used when they are above 5. Control charts for attributes will then be developed (Charantimath 2011) Scatter Diagram This helps show the relationships between variables; for instance how is poor design tools related to poor quality products? There are variable in which a relationship can be non-existent. Relationships can be weak or strong, positive or negative and can be a simple relationship or a complex one. This will entail drawing a scatter diagram with one variable on the X axis and another on the Y axis and using a best line of fit, the relationship can be determined, along with the mathematics representation in the form y = mx + c (The slope of the diagram) which can be used to predict how one variable changes in response to the other variable (Charantimath 2011) (See Appendix V) The data found during analysis will then be represented as pictorial data in the form of graphs to enable a quick understanding of what they mean, rather than having to read through the description and analysis of the data. Depending on the data types collected, various types of graphs can be used, for instance line graphs for data changes, bar graphs for data size comparisons, Gantt charts for scheduling and planning, and radar charts for showing data changes (Shiba, Graham, Walden Petrolini 2007). Check Sheets The final steps in employing the 7 QC Tools will be to develop check sheets which requires that the collected data and information is comprehensive and relevant. The check sheets are used for data collection and will be specific for the data to be collected. The check sheets can be incorporated into a CRM or ERP software application so that the communication with clients data is recorded for future review; same as design, simulation, and testing engineering components. This data will be stored in the software application and used by management for decision making and observing trends; the data can be extracted and used for data sheets. The collected data using check sheets must be classified meaningfully, through a process known as stratification to help with understanding of dispersion and relevance of the data. These can then be panned and used for obtaining meaningful outputs (Shiba, Graham, Walden Petrolini 2007) The application of the 7 QC and the POTI diagram development will be the first step in attaining better product quality and providing better customer service and support for the Latino Engineering Company. Once the relevant problems are identified, effort must be made to continuously make improvements to all processes. The concept of continuous improvement posits that steps are repeated to identify causes of problems and classify them, and then implement solutions that improve the product by eliminating/ minimizing the causes. Further, continuous improvement requires that overall processes are further refined, even after causes of problems have been eliminated to continuously make customers happy. It is a cycle that is continuous and should be part of the organizational culture at an organization. This will require identifying opportunities in the entire work flow where improvements can be made; for example, using modern BIM and Auto CAD software during engineering components design and then employing PLM software for simulation; the simulation will give the theoretical performance of the products and then these can be refined for further improvements. After making design improvements, simulations are run again until the desired performance metrics for the design are attained. A final design is then made and a prototype produced, which is then tested under different conditions and refinements made to design, before the final version is produced. Continuous improvements must occur at all different levels of the organization, starting from procurement of raw materials, contacts with the customer, design, improvements, delivery, and handing customer concerns. After identifying improvement opportunities, a plan will be developed, using various tools, on how the way present processes can be improved. For instance, an ERP can be implemented to help manage orders and raw materials supply and an integrated CRM be used for managing customer concerns and complaints. After developing the plan, it is then executed; for instance, improving on reporting structures for the design process, using modern design and simulation software, employing information systems or improving them , changing the organizational culture to be more responsive to customer needs, even training employees on various aspects, including customer service and product design. After execution, a review is done through data collection to evaluate the impact of the improvement measures and decide on which ones have little or no impact and what has greater impact. In employing continuous improvement (CI), the requirements for success are identified; such as a maximum acceptable numbe r for defects per product, maximum turn around tie in dealing with client concerns, number of tests before a component is manufactured, response times to customer concerns, number of simulations before final design is approved; among others (Nakamura 2000). This process also requires effective project management approaches and skills to achieve Continuous improvement approaches include the use of methodologies such as Lean Production where the Kaizen technique is used. Kaizen is a Japanese principle developed too enable continuous improvement and is a strategy requiring employees at all the organization levels to proactively work together to attain improvements that are regular and incremental during the manufacturing process (Laraia, Hall Moody 1999). Kaizen works by combining all talents within an organization to create a powerful improvement engine. Kaizen has a dual nature consisting of action plans and a philosophy. As action plan, Kaizen entails organizing events aimed at improving specific areas in an organization and involve employee teas at all levels in the organization, especially employees in the plant floor (Ortiz 2014). At Latino Engineering, it will require all employees improving processes such as communication, machining, testing, and shipping products to customers. The philosophical aspect of Kaizen requi res developing a culture in which all employees are involved actively in making suggestions for improvements and having these reviewed and implemented. This then becomes a natural way of thinking for the employees of the company, including managers. The Kaizen method will require the following steps to be followed; Setting goals with a given background; such as reducing defects in products to less than 4% for every 1000 units of the product Reviewing the present state such as of defective products and developing an improvement plan Implementing the improvements, such as following the QC tolls method Reviewing the measures taken and dealing with what does not work, such as eliminating some tools or methods Reporting results and determining follow up items. The kaizen approach is to be implemented using a scientific approach involving Planning, Doing, Checking, and Acting. These will also entail Total Quality Management (TQM) principles to ensure quality define all production work (Mika 2006) Conclusions Latino Engineering has been a successful company held in high regard by customers for quality engineering products and quality delivery. Because of its impressive revenue and customer base, investors wanted a piece of the company. The founder and owner, Dominic, a passionate engineer decided to sell the company altogether rather than a portion as this would mean he lost control especially in decision making. After a year, Latino Engineering is faced with serious challenges, including defective equipment, poor design and development follow up with customers, very long turnaround in handling customer issues, a customer service team that is non-responsive, and cases where the wrong equipment is packed and sent to customers. To resolve these issues, Latino Engineering will need to use the 7 QC Tool to identify and correct these problems, in the context of Kaizen and TQM platforms for continuous improvement. The identification of problems will be done using the POTI model/ tool. These ste ps will ensure significant changes after the three month period to ensure improvements. References Cano, E. L., Moguerza, J. M., Redchuk, A. (2012). Six sigma with R statistical engineering for process improvement. 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