Friday, January 31, 2020
Public Policy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Public Policy - Coursework Example Understanding public policy involves a series of individual values towards the realization of a greater goal. Therefore, unlike Science, public policy is an Art. It is, therefore, prudent for policymakers to adopt measures that put the interests of the entire society at heart. â€Å"The basic element of understanding public policy for a better society is communication†(McConnell, 2010 p.89). Policy maker ought to adopt a legal approach towards communicating with the members of the society in an attempt to enhance understanding of public policy. If policymakers created channels for communication, the policies implemented would be favorable to all and ensure that all the relevant factors considered. Policymakers ought to evaluate the effectiveness of policies implemented in terms of their effectiveness towards improving the society (McConnell, 2010). They should install internal control measures to ensure that the policies implemented achieve the objectives. In addition, policies are similar to projects; every project has a lifespan. The internal controls may include evaluations, audits, and reviews. A policy may not achieve its purpose if it is implemented then ignored. Just as an automobile requires servicing, public policies are reviewed to assess whether they achieve the intended purpose. Policymakers are entrusted with public resources, and ought to uphold the code of ethical conduct. They can perfect their craft for the betterment of society if they perform their roles in a manner that upholds and respects moral values and public office respectively (McConnell,
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Are Criminals Born or Made? Essay -- Psychology, Micro-Criminological
As the act of criminality is a global phenomenon, there must therefore be some explanation as to why this is; some schools of thought strive to explicate this by means of genetics, whilst others take a more socially influenced approach. Although at the time, the micro-criminological theories of Lombroso and Sheldon may have appeared credible, modern research has attempted to refute such notions. In an epidemiological context, the act of crime is seen by some as a positive contribution to society, as noted by Durkheim (Kirby et al, 2000), although too much will lead to social instability, or anomie. In contrariety to Durkheim's beliefs, a Marxist perspective would consider the mere notion of capitalism as criminal; thus deeming the vast majority of global society to be in a constant state of anomie. However, there is still much dispute as to whether people are born, or made into criminals. This essay will discuss the arguments within this debate. To be ‘born’ criminal ind icates a genetic heredity whereas if one is ‘made’; the environmental influences are the significant factor in creation of criminal behaviour. Despite much controversy surrounding the notion of inherited criminal tendencies, there is much evidence to support such theories. Although Lombroso may have employed his theoretic atavisms in an attempt to provide a biologically deterministic method of reducing or preventing crime, they have ultimately lead to an abandonment of gravitas concerning such a notion. However, as myopic as Lombroso's theories of criminality being a hereditary trait appears (Mannheim, 1965) research has shown shared physical characteristics to be commonplace in explicating the argument of genetic criminal behaviour. Although Lombroso presented... ...e fact it does not claim people will be born destined to commit criminal offences, but rather suggests an inherent predisposition towards such behaviours, which can be influenced by societal factors. In furthering a genetically predisposed and socially-influenced explanation, there is an abundance of considerations when explicating criminal behaviour; for example, a non aggressive, psychologically sound individual may be influenced by peer pressure into recreational drug usage, as â€Å"Psychoactive drug abuse commonly results from a combination of low self-esteem, peer pressure, inadequate coping skills, and curiosity.†(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005) therefore suggesting that light recreational drug abuse can accrue to a dependence due to a multitude of social influences, which invariably leads to further crime in order to financially support an addiction.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Developing yourself Essay
Findings: The CIPD profession map is a tool used to support the profession as a whole to develop products and services, yet it also accelerates the professional development of individuals. The map was created and is used by individuals and organisations; it’s a vital resource if you are working or connected in the HR profession. Whatever sector and/or size of an organisation the professional map is a great help, whether you are a specialist or generalist in talent, reward, learning development, employee relations and engagement. There are three key components to the map, which are: professional areas, behaviours and bands and transitions. The core professional areas show how a HR professional should think and look at tasks, then how to influence the relevant employees to the best outcome. There are then eight further areas surrounding the professional areas and when they are all combined, create the role of a great hr employee. Each area is essential to any business. The eight areas are: service delivery and information, organisation design, organisation development, resourcing and talent planning, learning and development, performance and reward, employee engagement, employee relations and service delivery and information. Once professional HR areas are covered, behaviours are the next vital key to becoming an effective HR professional. There are eight behaviours and they require an employee to be a strong character that leads by example and is confident when advising and influencing all levels of staff from entry to high level. Each behaviour is divided into four bands of professional competence. Each behaviour also lists a number of contra indicators which illustrate negative behaviour. Comment on the activities and knowledge specified within any 1 professional area, at either band one or band two identify those you consider most essential to your own or other identified hr role. Conclusion: A HR practitioner should ensure the services they provide are timely and effective. Different customers have different needs in a HR role and you need to prioritise conflicting needs. Shown below are different customers to a HR practioner and examples of what needs they may have. Managers look to human resources for sound business advice on how to review, analyse and address people issues. They expect the HR services to be timely and accurate. Supervisors expect human resources to be available on an as-needed basis to help solve people issues. They expect, and frequently demand, help interpreting company policies, expediting personnel matters and preparing or completing paperwork. Most importantly, supervisors expect to learn from their interactions with human resources in order for them to return to their work unit and handle personnel matters. Associates look to human resources to provide, explain or confirm information about company policies and procedures. They expect human re sources to be an empathetic ear to their concerns and to help them solve work-related problems. They expect human resources to anticipate problems and to provide sound recommendations to management. To the applicant, human resources are the company. Applicants expect accurate information about employment opportunities, fair consideration of their qualifications and courteous treatment. An example of how you would prioritise conflicting needs is shown below: When in a HR role a supervisor may need a report by the end of the day completing, a manager may need you to sort a conflict between two members of staff and a member of staff may be dealing with bereavement and is upset. You would then organise how and who or what task is the priority and arrange how it will all be dealt with or completed. In this situation I would delegate the report to another member of staff, I would then arrange a time to address the issues between the two conflicting members of staff then I would then deal with the member of staff with bereavement as I would see them as the highest priority. Then all issues and tasks should be completed/ resolved by the end of the day. This shows how you have an empathetic ear to concerns, you are helping solve work related problems and you are completing tasks under a time scale with organisation and delegation. Communication methods: Employee communication is about the HR aspects of communication from management to employees and of course employees to management. The first aspect is downward communication this is where management communicate to employees the second aspect is upward communication and this is when employees communicate to management. Managers have to communicate with employees all the time that they are at work it is impossible not to, plentiful communication with employee’s has been shown to be linked to good company performance. Communication could be formal or informal. Smaller company’s often rely on informal methods and have few formal methods of communication with employees. In some cases they prefer to encourage social events for promoting mutual communication. Shown below are some examples of communication: Downward communication: Upward communication: Workforce briefings for all or part of the workforce on key issues Employee attitude surveys Quality circles, regular meeting with all or part of the workforce Suggestion schemes Appraisal interviews Employee forums Newsletters, electronic circular and dvds Project teams With communication you can come across issues these are: Subject What is communicated is the most important issue. HR can send a message to employees only on subjects which they choose to communicate with them. For example, certain information may not be passed on to certain employees because the organisation may not want to disclose this information. Quality You do not want to give too much information as employees may have problems digesting it. You need to make sure the quality of communication is high. Depth The depth of the information must be fit for purpose for example it may be too detailed and confusing for those who it is aimed at as it may have initially been designed for a management circular, re-worked slightly and the circulated to part time workers. Receptiveness Employees should feel that they are being listened to; they may voice their ideas but feel that they are not listened to, and this would then create a negative effect amongst them and actually demotivating them. Action on their views may or may not be considered a good idea, but employees should then receive feedback on their views. Regularity Employees learn to trust the communication if it is regular and tells them important information. Regular communication means it is less likely rumours which are incorrect circulate in workplaces. A balance must be made between giving people information so regularly that they are swamped with it, and too infrequently so that uncertainty arises. Timing Information may be released when leaked information has already reached employees as rumour and it may then be treated with contempt. Information may be released too early or too late. A good example of this is redundancy information. Employees themselves are sensitive when they read about their own redundancy in the newspaper or see it on the news. You should inform employees of this information at the relevant time so they find out from you first. In the HR role you are likely to have an important role in building managers presentational and communication skills, since operational managers are often appointed mainly for other skills that they have, they may need help in developing their interpersonal skills. HR professionals have people issues at the forefront of their minds, they may advise on where and when sensitive meetings such as appraisals or disciplinary meetings might be best held. HR professionals can act as advisors to individual operational managers on how to communicate to employees on issues such as their pension or legal rights, or alternatively communicate directly with the individual employee’s on such subjects. These matters are of vital importance to employees, for whom areas like pensions and benefits packages are central issues. Getting communication right in these areas is therefor also at the centre of HR professional jobs. HR professionals sometimes have to advise both senior and operational managers on employee’s feelings on different subjects. It is usually the HR professionals who are called on to run or at least source and oversee employee attitude surveys, forums etc. to some extent they may also try to act as employee advocates in order to maintain employee commitment and motivation. HR has a key role to play in improving communication including by providing training and coaching for other managers and workers which can improve their informal and formal communication. Effective Service delivery is a vital key in a HR role shown below are the key points of how to achieve it to a high standard. Delivering service on time: Delivering service on a budget: Dealing with difficult customers, Handling and resolving complaints: When dealing with difficult customers that may have a complaint or issue there are certain ways to deal with the situation so that it does not escalate and gets resolved. Firstly you need to identify the complaint and get as many facts together as possible. You always need to listen and empathize whilst clarifying that you both understand. Then you would log the complaint and investigate why, who, how and what evidence. Once that is achieved I think it is best to identify an end goal so there is something to aim for and the issue should then be resolved. When trying to resolve the situation always keep the complainant updated with any progress and also make sure you are following the company’s policy and try and keep it to the smallest time frame. Once the situation is resolved I would then try to investigate why it happened and how to prevent re-occurrence. In a HR role I believe you should be committed to treating customers with courtesy and respect at all times, responding promptly to all enquiries made by telephone, email, post, fax, or in person, ensuring accuracy of administration, respecting and maintaining confidentiality, equality of opportunity in employment, updating skills through continuous professional development, regularly and systematically seeking, listening to and acting upon the views of customers. I think a HR function should obtain much more thorough feedback from its internal customers these are line managers, senior managers and employees. This should cover both what they need from HR, and their user experience of current services. Such feedback, as this study illustrates, can generate a clear overview or ‘footprint’ of the HR function in a particular organisation. It can provide fresh insights and help the HR function to focus its efforts in areas that add value to the business. Bibliography:
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
There Are Four Primary Discipline Topics Mentioned Above
There are four primary discipline topics mentioned above addressed in the review of the literature for this research, which are the analysis of the primary conceptual framework for this investigation. The social model for Cultural Competence and Critical Race Theory (CRT), are the highlights of the dimensions that will influence the research through this exploratory participatory approach. This will be a case study utilizing a mixed method approach through social constructivist participatory analysis. The case study will have an outcome basis that may produce advocacy, more effective professional development, and more culturally inclusive learning environments. Let’s view each of these outcomes individually. The research†¦show more content†¦Therefore, professional development becomes critical for a more inclusive learning environment to include more than just pedagogy. It must include culturally aware and competent trainings. Finally, this might cumulatively lead to a more culturally inclusive learning environment. A more culturally inclusive learning environment could be self-sustaining to producing more globally competitive high school students. Teachers and administrators who have more cultural mindfulness and inclusion could be able to cultivate more productive students which would be inclusive of African American high school students. According to Michael Cole, author of â€Å"Cross-Cultural and Historical Perspectives on the Developmental Consequences of Education which speaks about the primary meaning for education being to nourish a child (Cole, 2005). Cole also characterizes education as â€Å". . .a systemic instruction, schooling or training given to the young in preparation for the work of life†(Cole, 2005). Therefore, it is imperative for this learning environment of preparation for life to be culturally inclusive to be successful for an equitable and more productively effectiveShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Learning Styles And Academic / Workplace Environment Essay1242 Words  | 5 Pagesdeveloped by Neil Fleming to assess students’ learning styles based on senses and perceptions (Introduction to VARK, 2014). It was extended from an earlier theory called â€Å"neuro-linguistic theory†by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s. There are four categories of different learning preferences: 1. Visual: People who learn better with information that is presented in graphs, charts and diagrams. 2. Aural/Auditory: People who learn better from lectures, group discussion, QA sessions where informationRead MoreCognitive Science : The Scientific Study Of The Mind1193 Words  | 5 Pagesthe mind. Cognitive Science uses the scientific method as it primary methodology. 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